
Poetic Medicine Anthology

Poems written in our Poetic Medicine Workshops

January 24, 2025
Food for Thought


‘These are my caves’ I gesture with outspread arms

to the rooms where I drown, revive and drown.

Dark waters never heard low tide

Waist deep in the basement

Welcome to sludge life, baby you'll hate it here.


But look at me, trying anyway

Nothing to prove

No one to prove to 

And still failing along the bell curve

of trial and error

Cataclysmic outlier.


I tuck in my corners like envelopes smothering

scented letters to nobody

Climb under myself

Perceivable dimensions reduced like sauce to resuscitate

Cocoon the bed, floor of the sea

You know where I'm at

You know where I be

It's so over; we're so back. 


Dry yourself off: it's the year of the snake.



Sam Woodbridge, January 16, 2025

Inspired by: Inner Acreage, by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

October 11, 2024
Food for Thought


The sauna.
Fire. Water. Stone. Air.
I see eyes peering at me
through the blast of furnace mist.
I look for my place
on the plain wood benches, 
eager to join the ranks of heat disciples.
Longing for the moment when churning elements
will clean this clogged and bilious brain.
Oozing neuron messages burnt up by birch wood flames.
Steaming empty cortex
breathes a sigh of silent clean relief.


Inpsired by News Time for Serentiy, Anyone? - William Stafford

October 11, 2024
Food for Thought


I’m standing here on this hill with the wolves.
They are here to bay to you, Moon.
I am here to ask you, Moon, to please come to our aid.
I have a job that’s not for the sun in all her surface blazing glory.
No, for this illumination, we need your silvery rays and dusky spirit.
Pray, flare upon our earth when the sun has said goodbye for the night.
Use your metallic power to pierce dark wells of ignorance.
Liberate imprisoned jewels of wisdom that lie there waiting to be released.
We need all the carats of insight that can be gathered 
to save ourselves from suffering.
No, sun can not do this job.
These dingy pockets know too well how to hide brilliance in the shadows.
But they will have no defense from you, moon.
Your icy dark power will reveal them sniveling in their corners.
Like knows like.
They’ll have no more places to hide
when you turn on your pulverizing radiance.


Inspired by How to Spend a Life by Gail Onion

October 11, 2024
Food for Thought

It’s Alive

Once our life gets into it
the poem rises up from the paper.

Just like Frankenstein's monster, 
it moves off to live on its own.
Just like Frankenstein’s monster,
the poem says
“Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful.” 

The poem may be ugly, 
may move in jerky movements,
but you no longer control it
and damn it, it's alive!

The poem may support peace,
may wreak chaos and havoc
(perhaps you should have used a pseudonym)
but you no longer control it
and damn it, it's alive!


Inspired by Living Things by Anne Porter

October 11, 2024
Food for Thought

Gone Fishin’

Oh, not having a mind.
Now there’s a dream.
Or at least a mind on pause
so my feelings can emote in peace,
without mind interrupting
with judgements, opinions and suppressions.
Or at least a mind vacation 
so my body can enjoy in joy 
without mind blabbing about plans, projections and permissions.
Or at least a mind gone fishin’  
So my soul can be  
in peace. 


Inpsired by The Red Poppy by Louise Glick

October 11, 2024
Food for Thought


Happiness doesn’t do.
Happiness is.
Happiness stands there soaking up the sun,
stretching out every luminous petal,
sharing its intoxicating scent,
being itself.
Being is enough for happiness.
We can do that.
I know we can.
We are human beings.


Inspired by So Much Happiness by Naomi Shihab Nye

October 11, 2024
Food for Thought

I Too Bite the Juicy Fruit of Poetry

              To Molly Peacock

Before I encountered you
I dreamed of poetry as a distant peacock
in a foreign land with the foreign language
its iridescent feathers of blue and green unfurled.
You handed me a peach with a flaw.
Half-opened, inviting —
yet one bite could pose a dilemma.
No wonder Prufrock wandered,
longing to decide,
but for you, a red tinge, a hint
to a new world.
“Relish the peach” I heard.
Now I look at leaves and fruits,
stones and stars, each a poem.

October 2023

Check out more of Anna's poetry on her website:

You can also find this poem in Anna's 11th poetry book, Truth in Slant, which will be published by Frontenac Press in 2025.