Today, Dr. Paul Lindenfeld read the English translation of Hanohano Hanalei, The Glory of Hanalei, at the UCSF Symptom Management Service Meeting.
Hanohano Hanalei/The Glory of Hanalei
Hanohano Hanalei i ka ua nui, The glory of Hanalei is its heavy rain,
E pakika kahi limu o Manu'akepa. Slippery seaweed of Manu'akepa.
I laila ho'i au i 'ike iho ai There I felt
I ka hana hu'i konikoni i ka 'ili. Tingling cool sensation of the skin.
Aloha kahi one o pua rose Greetings, O sand and rose flowers
I ka ho'opē 'ia e ka hunakai. Drenched by sea spray.
'Akahi ho'i au a 'ike i ka nani. Never have I seen such splendor.
Hanohano Hanalei i ka ua nui. The glory of Hanalei is its heavy rain.
Kilakila kahi wai nā Molokama Majestic streams of Molokama
I ke kau 'ia mai ho'i e ka 'ohu. Mist-covered.
He 'ohu ho'i 'oe nō ka 'āina You...