
Poetic Medicine Anthology

Poems written in our Poetic Medicine Workshops

October 11, 2024
Food for Thought

I Too Bite the Juicy Fruit of Poetry

              To Molly Peacock

Before I encountered you
I dreamed of poetry as a distant peacock
in a foreign land with the foreign language
its iridescent feathers of blue and green unfurled.
You handed me a peach with a flaw.
Half-opened, inviting —
yet one bite could pose a dilemma.
No wonder Prufrock wandered,
longing to decide,
but for you, a red tinge, a hint
to a new world.
“Relish the peach” I heard.
Now I look at leaves and fruits,
stones and stars, each a poem.

October 2023

Check out more of Anna's poetry on her website:

You can also find this poem in Anna's 11th poetry book, Truth in Slant, which will be published by Frontenac Press in 2025.