A Meditation for This Crazy Time
I am passing along a meditation suggested by my personal teacher that has been really grounding and uplifting for me over the past few days. I want to share it in case it is of assistance to any of you as well:
- Find a comfortable seated position (or a comfortable position lying down).
- Imagine a gentle energetic cord grounding and connecting you to the center of the Earth. Once you do, find a similar energetic cord connecting you to the stars. Find a point of balance in between the two.
- Tune into yourself to find a color (or combination of colors) that represents healing, immunity, and health to you. The first color that comes to your mind is perfect. It may also change from day to day, and that is fine.
- Once you have your healing color in mind, allow that color to coat the outside of your Aura, or the energy field that surrounds your body. Then allow it to completely permeate the inside of your Aura or energy field as well, until you feel surrounded and supported by it. You can also imagine the healing color permeating every cell of your body.
- Once you feel grounded and comfortable with the above step, create a tiny rose in your mind's eye in the same healing color. This represents your healing gift to others. Once you see the tiny healing rose in your mind's eye, imagine sending it out energetically to everyone in the universe so that they can find their intention to heal/optimize health as well.
I have been doing this meditation every day and it is definitely helping me feel connected to the strong planetary intention to survive and to support each other in health and healing during this crisis. I know everyone in this group has many healing skills already, but if you are feeling destabilized or anxious during this time (which I certainly have been intermittently) this may be one more practice to add to your daily rituals that could help.
All the best,